How These Activities Have Helped Other Couples |
20 Activities that Long |
"I like this e-mail page because it has a lot of neat ideas to send to my fiancé' We have been long distance for over a year and together for 3 so I have run out of ideas of things to do this gives me an opportunity to still keep doing the things he loves and keep the spark from burning out. Thank you for these great ideas." Elaina |
"I really love what long distance couples do for us deployed military members and I have informed everyone
that will listen about the pamphlet that you have. I have used several of the ideas and my husband loves it."
Thank you! Onita |
"I think that you have some wonderful and fun ideas. Most of the activities are along the lines of fun and relaxed instead of too serious which is just what is needed for a long distance relationship since it is so intense already. Keep it up! Thanks for everything!" |
"I have enjoyed and applied some of the weekly activities. They are great and most of all, fun! Keep up the good work." | "Keep up the good work.Your helpful information of activities for long distance couples is very helpful for
me." Enza |
"I was glad when I found your website because it is nice to know that other people are missing someone they
love too. Also, the weekly ideas are cute and helpful. Thanks!" Lauren |
"My boyfriend and I really enjoy your activities." "I think the long distance relationship newsletter is very helpful." Rachel We would appreciate hearing how these activities have helped you. Please e-mail us with your suggestions and/or comments. |
"I cannot tell you how much your weekly e-mails have helped me. I have been in a long distance relationship
for over a year now and it's so wonderful to get your e-mails because it helps the time apart go much faster."
"Even if I only do half of the things that you suggest, the time that I spend on getting it done and anticipating its arrival makes the days just fly by. It is very reassuring that other people besides my boyfriend and I believe that long distance relationships CAN work.I think that you have wonderful ideas." Gabriela |
"Being in a long distance relationship can often make you feel very alone. Seeing other couples together, hearing stories of friends' relationships, and even just longing to hold your loved one can make you feel very frustrated!" "I know that my boyfriend and I are together for all the right reasons, because we work at our relationship every day and still know we belong together. Reading the long distance couples idea every week helps me and my sweetie feel like we're not alone! THANK YOU!!!!" Jennifer |
Copyright © 2001 by The National Long Distance Relationship Building Institute. All Rights Reserved. |